White Girl Problems By Babe Walker

276 pages. Hyperion Books. $13.99


By Victoria Miller

Barbara Walker spent $245,893.50 in one afternoon.

She didn’t buy a house, she didn’t pay off her student loans, she bought clothes.

And that landed her in rehab.

Babe Walker is a 25-year-old rich girl penning her memoir on an Adderall infused high while in rehab for a shopping addiction. Walker is how you would imagine any Bel-Air raised child would be, delusional that they run the world. She lived a life of luxury, having a nanny/maid/BFF who all happen to be the same person, Mabinty, who has been with her since she was two days old. Mabinty is the only real mother figure that Walker has ever had in her life. When writing the dialog for Mabinty, the ghost writer, writes in a Jamaican accent, the same way she talks.

Every conversation between Babe and another character is charismatic even though you can’t help but hate her. Walker is a well developed character, the author goes into vivid detail of describing her to the audience. She honestly believes that everything she goes through in life other people must be struggling with too.

Walker discusses all of the major things that have shaped her into who she is. Whether it was convincing her gay best friend that they should lose their virginities together, or falling in love for the first time just to ruin it with her alter ego Babette.

You know, all typical, white-girl problems.

The actual identity of Babe Walker is still a mystery because, no one actually knows who she is or if she is based on a real person.

Follow Babe Walker on twitter at @whitegrlproblem and read her blog at BabeWalker.com. To read an excerpt of the Memoir go to http://book.babewalker.com/chapter2/