Starbucks or Barbucks
Comments: 5 - Date: February 6th, 2012 - Categories: Uncategorized
By Victoria Miller
Right now the strongest drink you can buy at the campus Starbucks is a Venti Iced Americano.
But that could change — maybe soon students will be able to finish studying, and order a beer from their campus barrista.
Cafe style Starbucks serving beer and wine have been popping up around major metropolitan areas, adding beer and wine to the menu. Could the D.C area be next or better yet the Mason campus location?
“I think people would abuse it and just be wasted all the time,” Christina Talhame, 22, a student at George Mason University majoring in Communications.
It would definitely “spice things up,” says History Major, Danny Tran, 22, — a lot more than that
pumpkin spice latte.
And, it could definitely add to their campus clientele. Alex Thai, 21, a junior majoring in IT never goes to Starbucks now — but if the campus cafe serves stronger stuff, he’d be a regular.
“I’d be their number one customer,” he says.
5 Responses
I heard about this topic on the radio a few weeks ago. I am not a coffee drinker, but thought this was an amazing idea coming from Starbucks – to be the next happy hour “hot spot”. Starbucks clientele is already huge, and to add alcohol/happy hour, along with snacks, I think would just boost business for the company.
I do agree with some of the points that were made by those interviewed in your posting. Would it be a good idea to have it on campus? Could it cause a distraction? Perhaps – but if they are focused on business and getting more customers, it’s probably an excellent idea. If the university if worried about what it will do for its campus, whether students will be stumbling to class and finding it difficult to focus during class, that is a possibility. Sounds like a situation that the school would have to decide on. From Starbucks end, adding a shot or two in drinks, plus snacks for more customers to come hang out even longer, very good idea.
I think a “Barbucks” would be a tremendous idea!
Starbucks wants to serve alcohol?? That’s news to me. I like all the student quotes you used in here; good journalism requires getting out in the field and seeing what people are really talking about.
As many people as there are that hang out at that Starbucks on campus, if they started serving beer that would place would pop off. I feel like it would be kind of a bad thing though because I know a lot of students use that to study and they would probably be bummed to be interrupted by people being waste face. Just a thought. Great story though!